Giana Sisters Wiki
Giana Sisters Wiki
Cut Contents

This is the Cut Content of Giana Sisters : Twisted Dreams.

Unused Sprites[]
Dummy texture invisible
A placeholder particle effect with "Dummy" labeled on it.
Giana nodeath02
Partially used in the score screen after beating a level and right next to the death count. However, the left part where is Punk Giana laughing, is cut off. A duplicate of the image exists as

Also the picture has a strong resemblance of a Punk Giana artwork from Giana Sisters DS.

Unused Sound Effects[]

Five identical sound files titled 053_collect.wav, 053_collect_bigblue.wav, 053_collect_blue.wav, 053_collect_red.wav, and 053_collect_yellow.wav. These would have been placeholders for the diamond collecting sound, from when the game was still called "Project Giana". It's also imply the diamond variants meant to have different sound variants too, the red diamond would have a cute tone and the yellow diamond would have a dark tone.
A different version of the sound effect of Cute Giana getting hurt.
A different version of Cute Giana giggling. it's unused is probably because it sounded too annoying unlike the others.
Called respectively 202_vo_cute_boss_01.wav, 202_vo_cute_boss_02.wav, 203_vo_punk_boss_01.wav, 203_vo_punk_boss_02.wav, and 203_vo_punk_boss_03.wav. They were probably meant to be used when Giana defeated a boss.
Giana and Maria giggling, named 218_vo_outro_giana.wav and 218_vo_outro_maria.wav respectively. They were meant to be used after Punk Giana saved Maria from Gurglewocky. It's also Maria's only voice clip.
It is only present in the Switch version of the game. It meant to be used in the cutscene after Punk Giana saved Maria from Gurglewocky. It also uses the unused voice clips shown above.

Unused Textures[]

A texture meant to be used when a texture is missing, labeled as "MISSING".
A placeholder texture, with "None" labeled on it.
Billboard placeholder Billboard dark placeholder
Placeholder textures for the billboards which features Pinkie Pie from My Little Pony : Friendship is Magic. The left billboard is the cute version that shows a happy Pinkie and the right billboard is the dark version that shows a sad Pinkie (which fans call her "Pinkamena Diane Pie" in that state). It is not a surpise that pink pony is used here because Black Forest Games devs were wearing MLP clothes in their old behind the scene and liveshow videos.
Maria punk body c Maria punk head c Maria punk hair c
Those textures meant to be used for Punk Maria and also the possible canon appearance of the modern counterpart of classic Punk Maria. There is no models assigned for those textures though. The textures are similar to Punk Giana's textures but recolored to give her green, cyan and blue colors as well as red eyes.

It is not sure where it meant to be used. Maybe for a co-op multiplayer mode, a cutscene or just an easter egg for the fans to find out.

Unused Models[]

Unused Objects[]

Both World Pain02 Both World Pain01
Some weird looking objects which both includes a small line that says "Both World Pain". it also have a mesh behind them. The first have a low-poly sphere while the other have pyramide trunk. Also the line's meaning is unknown.
Heart Gem
Model Texture
Heart GSTD-TexGemHeart
A Heart Gem, which is a 3D version of the heart health bar used in boss fights. The health bar was probably meant to be in 3D instead of 2D or being an early version of the Pink Star Gem.
Missing Model
Model Texture
GSTD-MissingModel GSTD-TexMissingModel
A cubical model with "MISSING MODEL" labeled on it. Like it name implies, it is meant to be used when a model is missing.

Unused Enemies[]

The game have several artworks and promotional arts that featured some enemies that were never seen in-game. However they do have models, textures and even transformation animation (though it uses the dummy particle by default) hidden in the game's files. But they don't have any animations nor sound effects. They weren't present in the game's files of the base game, but were added in later DLCs just for being left unused.
Model Texture




A bat and a butterfly. They would obviously have been enemies that would fly around places, similar to the green Owl/Devil.
Model Texture




A beetle and a bee. They could be also enemies that would fly around places, similar to the green Owl/Devil, though it would act like the bee enemy from previous games.
Model Texture




A blob and a gecko. Not sure what they could do, maybe enemies that are difficult for the player to notice.
Model Texture




A crab and a penguin. The crab could act like how it did in Giana Sisters DS, attacking the player from below. As for the penguin, Black Forest Games confirmed it was scrapped. It is shown in it concept art it would slids around places, and could also have rockets to speed them up. It also got clothing.

Unused Vending Machines[]

Model Texture
Bomb vending machine02 Bomb GSTD-TexVendingMachinesBombs
A Bomb vending machine. The bombs could be used in the same way like the bomb power-up from The Great Giana Sisters and being distributed from a vending machine instead of a bonus block. It could have a good utility, only in rare cases. There is also a singular bomb, obviously related to it vending machine and surely meant to be used by Giana. This time it have a string attached to it.
Model Texture
Clock vending machine02 Clock02 GSTD-TexVendingMachinesClocks
A Clock vending machine. Like for the bomb, the clock power-up have also it own vending machine. Could have been used in areas that would require a very good timing to get pass through.

Like for the bomb, there is a singular clock.

Unused Character[]

Model Textures
Mouse balthasar ed euromaus Mouse balthasar body c Mouse balthasar head c
An male anthropomorphic mouse called "Mouse Balthasar". This character is actually the mascot of Europapark, which his real name is "Ed Euromaus" and not "Mouse Balthasar". The name "Balthasar" came from the Balthasar Castle from the amusement park. There is also a movie regarding the castle that features Ed and its friends as the main characters. A video game adaptation also exist.

His presence in the game's files is unknown. Maybe they wanted to put him in the game to sponsor Europapark.