Giana Sisters Wiki
"Isn't the redhead trying to save the blonde?"

- Green Owl

Warning! Any information about this article is unofficial and not canon to the Giana Sisters canon. Please read it carefully.


Cover art

Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams Comicbook is an web comic series based of Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams available on Facebook and created by Tikwa. So far, there are currently 35 pages.

Characters featured in the entire comic[]


Page 1 "Gotcha!"[]

Episode 1 GOTCHA!

Giana : "Huge monster owls!

Giana : "BAM! Gotcha!"

Giana : "And another one! I am totally in hardcore mode!"

Maria : "Hey! Do I look like an owl?!"

Giana : "Maria? Watch out! This isn't "Free To Play"!"

Page 2 "Dragon!"[]

Episode 2 DRAGON!

Giana : "What's that?"

Maria : "A magic Gem!"

Maria : "It can summon a dragon!"

Giana : "Cool!"

Gurglewocky : "Game over, baby!"

Giana : "Yikes! Maria!"

Giana : "Argh! Another one of those dreams!"

Maria : "From now on, no more video game before bedtime!"

Page 3 "Gem!"[]

Episode 3 - Gems!

Giana : "In my dreams I hunt for magic gems..."

Giana : "They make me into a punk girl!"

Maria : "Not true! I have one and you're still cute!"

Giana : "Give me that!"

Maria : "Argh! It's true!"

Page 4 "Zwoop!"[]

Episode 4 ZWOOP!

Maria : "Oh no!"

Giana : "We broke the dream gem!"

Maria : "What's that?"

Giana : "A wishing cloud! Quick, make a wish!"

Maria : "WAAH!"

Giana : "Now that was a silly wish!"

Page 5 "Crash!"[]

Episode 5 CRASH!

Giana : "Maria, I will save you!"

Giana : "Whoa! Crash!"

Giana : "Yeah, smash!"

Maria : "Grr..."

Page 6 "Release date!"[]


Giana : "A new Adventure!"

Maria : "It's more like a nightmare!"

Maria : "Look!"

Giana : "Cool!"

Giana : "A gem cache!"

Maria : "I meant the warning sign!"

Page 7 "Monster!"[]

Episode 7 MONSTER!

Giana : "Monster!"

Giana : "Gem power!"

Gurglewocky : "Monster!"

Page 8 "Forgot!"[]

Episode 8 FORGOT!

Punk Giana : "Take that!"

Punk Giana : "Off you go!"

Punk Giana : "That was easy!"

Punk Giana : "Now what did I forget?"

Maria : "Help!"

Page 9 "Crush!"[]

Episode 9 Crush!

Maria : "Giana! Help!"

Punk Giana : "Just wait! I will crush you!"

Blue owl : "Nope!"

Blue owl : "This way around is much better!"

Page 10 "Bossfight!"[]

Episode 10 BOSSFIGHT

Blue owl : "You will never save your sister!"

Blue owl : "I shall stop you!"

Punk Giana : "Try it!"

Blue owl : "Why am i never the bossfight?"

Page 11 "Short break!"[]

Episode 11 Short Break!

Punk Giana : "Nothing can stop me now!"

Punk Giana : "Oh!"

Cute Giana : "A short break for gems can't hurt..."

Page 12 "Flying!"[]

Episode 12 Flying

Cute Giana : "Gems! Make me fly!"

Cute Giana : "Awesome, quickly off to my sister!"

Cute Giana : "I guess gems are only good for short stretches!"

Page 13 "Inside feelings!"[]

Episode 13 Inside Feelings!

Cute Giana : "Locked! How do i get in?"

Cute Giana : "Some say I am cute..."

Cute Giana : "...But I can feel the punk in me!"

Page 14 "Level up!"[]

Episode 14 Level Up!

Cute Giana : "Let's see, what is in here..."

Cute Giana : "Hm..."

Cute Giana : "Sometimes my life seems like a videogame!"

Page 15 "Kidnapped!"[]

Episode 15 Kidnapped!

Cute Giana : "What happening when i step through this portal?"

Cute Giana : "AAAHH!"

Maria : "Kidnapped by a dragon monster! I hope Giana can catch up..."

Maria : "Hey! I said catch up! Not overtake!"

Page 16 "Free fall!"[]

Episode 16 Free Fall!

Cute Giana : "Darn! This flight is turning into a fall!"

Cute Giana : "Hey! Red gems!"

Punk Giana : "Mighty punk power!"

Punk Giana : "Oh yeah, the fall become an attack!"

Page 17 "Owl'd School!"[]

Episode 17 Owl'd School!

Red owl : "Again : the blonde is our enemy!"

Red owl : "The blonde can turn into a redhead..."

Red owl : "...And she is coming to save the green haired! Got it?"

Green owl : "Isn't the redhead trying to save the blonde?"

Blue owl : "Wait! There is a green haired girl?"

Red owl : "I give up!"

Page 18 "Invincible!"[]

Episode 18 Invincible!

Blue owl : "This helmet makes me invincible!"

Green owl : "I don't believe it!"

Blue owl : "Try it!"

Green owl : "Hey, you're right! It work!"

Page 19 "Pitch black!"[]

Episode 19 Pitch Black!

Punk Giana : "Crashed! Where am i?"

Blue owl : "In the dreary domain of Hansel and Gretel!"

Punk Giana : "Hey, who are you?"

Blue owl : "Ah, your sister? Yay, you finally saved me!"

Blue owl : "It worth a try!"

Punk Giana : "Just you wait!"

Page 20 "PSN release!!"[]

Episode 20 PSN RELEASE!!

Punk Giana : "I'm going to get you!"

Blue owl : "Oh magic gem, save me from this punk!"

Blue demon : "Haha! Now i am a mighty devil and you are small and cute!"

Cute Giana : "Cute, but hardcore!"

Page 21 "Two sides!"[]

Episode 21 Two Sides!

Punk Giana : "Giana! Change into me! I am strong!"

Cute Giana : "Okay!"

Punk Giana : "Oh yeah! Let's do this!"

Punk Giana : "How I do get outta here?"

Cute Giana : "He he, guess it's my turn again!"

Punk Giana : "Having two sides can be tricky!"

Page 22 "The twist!"[]

Episode 22 The Twist!

Cute Giana : "Twirl!"

Cute Giana : "Aah! I'm falling!"

Punk Giana : "Now I take over!"

Punk Giana : "Dash!"

Punk Giana : "Twist for awesomeness!"

Cute Giana : "Exaclty!"

Page 23 "Giana heading forward!"[]

Episode 23 Giana heading forward!

Green owl : "I'll take Giana out with this trap!"

Blue owl : "Cool!"

Green owl : "Here she comes!"

Blue owl : "HOO HOOOOO!"

Green owl : "Ehmm, looks like that's the trigger, not the trap!"

Page 24[]

Episode 24

Punk Giana : "Man, i have got to get outta this cave and save Maria!"

Punk Giana : "Wow, is this the exit??"

Punk Giana : "A monster is probably lurking behind there!"

Hansel : "Define 'behind'!"

Punk Giana : "Oh Shucks!"

Page 25[]

Episode 25

Hansel : "What brings you to my domain?"

Punk Giana : "I'm looking for my sis Maria! A dragon took her!"

Hansel : "I understand, i have been looking for my sister for a very long time..."

Hansel : "I can hear her, but cannot find her! Gretel? Gretel?"

Gretel : "Hansel?"

Hansel : "Gretel?"

Punk Giana : "You guys are extremely nearsighted aren't you?"

Page 26 "Gems! Again!"[]

Episode 26 Gems! Again!

Punk Giana : "Could you show me the way out of this cave?"

Hansel : "Gladly! But we can barely see!"

Punk Giana : "I can help with that!"

Hansel : "Wow! you glow beautifully just like a gem..."

Gretel : "We devour gems!"

Punk Giana : "Drat!"

Page 27 "A little help!"[]

Episode 27 A Little Help!

Punk Giana : "Dash!"

Punk Giana : "Nope, that's not gonna work!"

Gretel : "But with a little help..."

Page 28 "Retro stories!"[]

Episode 28 Retro Stories!

Punk Giana : "That worm is invincible!"

Blue owl : "Back in the day he was just a small creature..."

Blue owl : "...But along came a girl who used power up balls to alter herself!"

Blue owl : "Then one day he swallowed such a ball..."

Blue owl : "...And became the monster you see today!"

Punk Giana : "He he, I love retro stories!"

Page 29[]

Episode 29

Cute Giana : "I finally know how to defeat the worm!"

Cute Giana : "Cmon baby..."

Punk Giana : "Twist and..."

Punk Giana : "...Shout!"

Page 30[]

Episode 30

Giana : "Yes, the worm is toast!!"

Giana : "Oh no, it was just another dream!"

Giana : "Wait... Where is Maria?!"

Giana : "Hold on, Maria! I will return and save you!"

Page 31[]

Episode 31

Punk Giana : "I need more speed!"

Punk Giana : "Owl speed!"

Page 32[]

Episode 32

Red owl : "Owls are invincible!"

Green owl : "Hozzah!"

Red owl : "Stop that girl!"

Green owl : "She has an owl! She's invincible!"

Page 33[]

Episode 33

Red owl : "We're going to smash into the wall!"

Punk Giana : "No worries..."

Cute Giana : "...I've got an airbag!"

Page 34[]

Episode 34

Cute Giana : "When viewed from above, everything seems to be so small and peaceful..."

Gurglewocky : "You're absolutely right!"

Page 35[]

Episode 35

Cute Giana : "You kidnapped my sister, and I will rescue her!"

Gurglewocky : "You have to pass me, first!"

Punk Giana : "Okay!"

Gurglewocky : "I didn't see that coming..."


  • The most used Giana's side is her Punk side.
  • There was a mistake in the comic. The owls don't turn into a demon when Punk Giana twist into her "cute" persona. it happened in page 29 and page 33.
    • That mistake wasn't occurred in page 20.
  • Many lines use the exclamation point.
  • The name of some pages refer to a word from their respective pages.
  • In page 31, the art style has changed. Punk Giana seem to have her in-game style (same as for Cute Giana) and Gurglewocky seem more detailed.
    • The owl has also changed, but very singly.
  • In the first page, an yellow owl appeared in the background. But he never appeared again.
  • The first 4 pages have an alternative page, which there the same, but feature more stuff :
    • The fonts are different.
    • It has more bubbles.
    • The page 2 and 3 has a little mini game that ask the reader to find every hidden owl.
  • The green poster in Giana and Maria's bedroom make a reference to Black Forest Games logo.
  • Ziggy from Space-Rat (which it's a character from a series created by Tikwa) made a cameo in page 3.